Jaime Tortosa 应用

POS Simple Bar & Shops 6.4
Jaime Tortosa
Manual:https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B04-__v8eCLwRUxQekN5SDhwZm8&authuser=0POSSimpleBar & Shops is an application for Android devicesthat allows you to manage any small business , be it a bar , an icecream shop , a shoe shop a shop , etc.If you're opening a small business and want to track sales,create and print tickets, manage customers and many otherinvestment options with mímima, POSSimpleBar is what you arelooking for.Its use is very easy , simple and intuitive , it is notnecessary to be an expert to point an order, cash it , print it orsend an email with a ticket to the client.It has two types of business: Bar or Other Companies .- Bar Mode : The products can be classified whether they will orwill Cuisines Barra.- Trade Mode: Ignores if the product is a kitchen or bar , it is alittle simpler .You are allowed two types of functionality :- Cash Control Mode: have control of cash, card, etc. .. there . Atthe end of the day you can close the box and see the details of allmovements of the day . And stores the daily sales .- Tickets Mode: VTV stores sales ( ivas , discounts, etc. ), buthas no control over the box.You can share a ticket directly : WhatsApp , Bluetooth, Email,etc ...You can print a ticket in different ways:- Go directly to a Bluetooth printer , image sharing and sendingthe ticket to your BT Bluetooth printer linked .- Any printer connected to a PC installed with Google Chrome , theGoogle Cloud Print system , which allows you to send the image tothe cloud and print directly to the printer used .- Printers HP ePrint , you can attach and send the email ticketprinter .Or, save paper by sending the ticket to the email client .features:- Product Management ( photo , taxes , price, etc ... ) andcategories.- Client Management, enables you to create custom orders tocustomers.- Iva by product name Iva user (VAT, TVA , TAX , ...) defined.- Managing vendor payments ( single mode control box) .- Supports 3 languages: Spanish , English and French .- Supports different currencies ( defined by the user , and if youare ahead or behind the price).- Reports :   - Annual report in CSV format by month and day,with their respective ivas , discounts, payments ...   - Report all monthly tickets, each day indicatingthe total , taxes and discounts applied .   - Report of all closings monthly cash .- Marketing, shipping information and updates to yourcustomers.- Calculator to calculate the amount per person change and function.- Post comments to kitchen, for example " underdone steak .... " .( Bar mode only )- Indicates backorders (Mark the table with a *)- Save statistics in an image.- Indicates the quantity per product you want , hold down thebutton a second on the product, you can write numbers withdecimals.- Print anywhere, anytime with Cloud Print.- Share the Ticket by: Whatsapp , email, Bluetooth, etc ....- Adaptive HORIZONTAL .- Display List of active compounds , to send to customers.- Access to the configuration of POS password- Create / Restore Backups from Mobile or Google Drive- Management of customer emails : add, delete , share .- Discount rate , or fixed on the tax base .- Sales JournalAnd many more options !If you are not convinced try the free version !
Parkings Fira de Cocentaina 1.1
Jaime Tortosa
Ofrece información sobre los parkings delaFira de Cocentaina, indica si están libres o ocupades, ycomollegar. La información es extraída de la web de los parkings delafira de Cocentaina que administran en el ayuntamiento,Proyecto FCT de los alumnos de l'IES Serra Mariola.Con colaboración del Ayuntamiento de CocentainaPQPI Informática1r Premio del Concurso de Aplicaciones Appinventor Modalidad Adela EPSA de Alcoy. Año 2013Provides informationonthe parking of the Fira de Cocentaina indicates whether orocupadesare free, and how to get. The information is extracted fromthewebsite of the car parks of fira Cocentaina administering atCityHall,FCT Project l'IES students Serra Mariola.With cooperation of the City of CocentainaPQPI Computing1st Prize Competition Mode A AppInventor Applications of EPSAofAlcoy. Year 2013
POS Simple Bar Free & Shops 9.0.8
Jaime Tortosa
Manual:https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B04-__v8eCLwLWw3NHZXQkIzUDQTPVSimple & Stores is an application for Android devices thatlets you manage any small business, whether a Bar, an ice creamshop, a shoe store, a store, etc. If you're opening a smallbusiness or need a software to help you track sales, opening andclosing cash, inventory control, ability to receive online ordersfrom other mobile POS, managing families and products, create andprint tickets, manage clients and many other investment optionswith mímima, TPVSimple is what you are looking for. Its use is veryeasy, simple and intuitive, it is not necessary to be an expert topoint an order, collect it, print it or send an email with theticket to the customer. It has two types of business: Bar or OtherShops. - Bar Mode: The products can be classified if they will orwill Kitchen Bar, ideal for restoration. - Trade Mode: Users cannot send orders to the kitchen or bar is a little simpler. It letstwo types of functionality: - Control Mode box: has control ofcash, card, etc .. there. At the end of the day you can close thebox and see the details of all movements of the day. And stores thedaily sales. - Tickets Mode: VTV stores sales (IVAs, discounts,etc), but has no control over the box. POS configuration: - (1)Central Server: you only have a device that controls salesbusiness, create tickets, etc ... - (2) Central Server with MobilePOS: the program reads Internet orders that have been sent by otherterminals, the load on the program. This device is responsible forcreating and controlling tickets sales. - (3) Mobile POS: when youstart the mobile POS is synchronized with the configuration offamilies and central server products (2). The server can createorders, send them to kitchen or bar, and collect the ticket sendsto a central server (2) which will be responsible for managing thesales box and global. You can share a ticket directly: WhatsApp,Bluetooth, Email, etc ... You can print a ticket in different ways:- Directly to a Bluetooth printer, sharing the image of the ticketand sending it via Bluetooth to your BT printer linked. - Anyprinter connected to a PC with Google Chrome installed, the systemGoogle Cloud Print, which lets you send the image to the cloud andprint directly to the selected printer is used. - Printers ePrintHP or Epson, you can attach the ticket and send it to the printeremail. Or, saves paper by sending the ticket to the email client.Characteristics: - Product management (photo, taxes, price, etc...) and categories. - Control of inventory or stock. - Managementcustomers, lets you create custom orders to customers. - Iva byproduct name Iva User (IVA, TVA, TAX, ...) defined. - Management ofpayments to suppliers (mode only control box). - Supports 3languages: Spanish, English and French. - Supports differentcurrencies (defined by the user, and if you are ahead or behind theprice). - Sales reports, tickets and others. - Marketing, sendingnews to your customers. - Calculator function. - Send comments tokitchen, for example "underdone steak ....". (Bar mode only) -Saves statistics in an image. - Indicates the amount by product youwant, hold down the button a second on the product, you can writenumbers with decimals. - Print anywhere, anytime with Cloud Print.- Share the Ticket by: Whatsapp, email, Bluetooth, etc .... -Access to configuration POS password - Create / Restore Backup fromthe phone or Google Drive - Discount percentage or fixed on the taxbase. - Daily Sales And many more options !! If you are notconvinced you try the free version !! !
Thief vs Police 2.0
Jaime Tortosa
Thief vs Police is a social game fun toplaywith a group of friends outdoors (similar to the hideout, butwithphones).It takes at least 2 players for a game.One player is the thief and have a time to hide, others willbepolice officers, and its mission is to find him before X min.,thisapplication will give you clues if you are near or far fromthethief (Cold, hot, warm .. .).Win the game before the police catch it, or the thief if noonehas managed to find him.Upon completion, all participants will gather at the spotwherethe thief to start another game.-----------------------------------------------AppInventor developed for Android I contest withAppInventororganized by UPV Alcoy 2011.Developer: Adrian Perez GrauDirector: Jaume Tortosa Vallés
POS Simple Bar & Shops Pro 9.0.8
Jaime Tortosa
Manual:https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B04-__v8eCLwLWw3NHZXQkIzUDQPOSSimpleBar & Shops is an application for Android devices thatallows you to manage any small business , be it a bar , an icecream shop , a shoe shop a shop , etc. If you're opening a smallbusiness and want to track sales, create and print tickets, managecustomers and many other investment options with mímima,POSSimpleBar is what you are looking for. Its use is very easy ,simple and intuitive , it is not necessary to be an expert to pointan order, cash it , print it or send an email with a ticket to theclient. It has two types of business: Bar or Other Companies . -Bar Mode : The products can be classified whether they will or willCuisines Barra. - Trade Mode: Ignores if the product is a kitchenor bar , it is a little simpler . You are allowed two types offunctionality : - Cash Control Mode: have control of cash, card,etc. .. there . At the end of the day you can close the box and seethe details of all movements of the day . And stores the dailysales . - Tickets Mode: VTV stores sales ( ivas , discounts, etc.), but has no control over the box. You can share a ticket directly: WhatsApp , Bluetooth, Email, etc ... You can print a ticket indifferent ways: - Go directly to a Bluetooth printer , imagesharing and sending the ticket to your BT Bluetooth printer linked. - Any printer connected to a PC installed with Google Chrome ,the Google Cloud Print system , which allows you to send the imageto the cloud and print directly to the printer used . - Printers HPePrint , you can attach and send the email ticket printer . Or,save paper by sending the ticket to the email client . features: -Product Management ( photo , taxes , price, etc ... ) andcategories. - Client Management, enables you to create customorders to customers. - Iva by product name Iva user (VAT, TVA , TAX, ...) defined . - Managing vendor payments ( single mode controlbox) . - Supports 3 languages: Spanish , English and French . -Supports different currencies ( defined by the user , and if youare ahead or behind the price). - Reports :    -Annual report in CSV format by month and day, with their respectiveivas , discounts, payments ...    - Report allmonthly tickets, each day indicating the total , taxes anddiscounts applied .    - Report of all closingsmonthly cash . - Marketing, shipping information and updates toyour customers. - Calculator to calculate the amount per personchange and function . - Post comments to kitchen, for example "underdone steak .... " . ( Bar mode only ) - Indicates backorders(Mark the table with a *) - Save statistics in an image. -Indicates the quantity per product you want , hold down the buttona second on the product, you can write numbers with decimals. -Print anywhere, anytime with Cloud Print. - Share the Ticket by:Whatsapp , email, Bluetooth, etc .... - Adaptive HORIZONTAL . -Display List of active compounds , to send to customers. - Accessto the configuration of POS password - Create / Restore Backupsfrom Mobile or Google Drive - Management of customer emails : add,delete , share . - Discount rate , or fixed on the tax base . -Sales Journal And many more options ! If you are not convinced trythe free version !
Aprende formas y colores niños 7.1
Jaime Tortosa
Your baby will learn shapes and colors with speech stimuli